• Social Responsibility


SGT Solutions is a company that embraces its social responsibilities with the same energy as its focus on delivering on the requests of customers, namely with a high level of professionalism and commitment. The social responsibility entails developing and enhancing the lives of rural communities through applying SGT Solutions expertise in the telecommunication space.
SGT Solutions believes ICT connectivity creates a platform for economic growth.The relationship with the society and environment in which SGT Solutions operates is "a critical factor in our ability to continue to operate effectively. It is also increasingly being used as a measurement of SGT Solutions overall performance."


The Siyakhula Living Laboratory is an initiative of SGT Solutions together with the Universities of Fort Hare and Rhodes to introduce ICT to the Dwesa rural community in the Eastern Cape. The prominent features of the initiative are:

  • Provides internet connectivity to 17 schools, which schools also function as an ICT hub for the community surrounding the schools.
  • ICT communication is done via satellite, WIMAX and Wi-Fi technology provided and installed by SGT Solutions.
  • The ICT network is managed and maintained by students from Rhodes and Fort Hare and it forms part of their training.
  • The project has expanded now to also facilitate and fund the establishment of a computer centre at each school. A centre consists of a server and 25 terminals at a school, which will inter alia be used as a computer literacy facility.